Enable Geo-blocking in Native Apps
Updated over a week ago

Before apps are published:

Our App Launch Team can geo-block countries that you don't want customers to be able to download your app from. Please contact them at ott@uscreen.tv to get this setup.

Customers who navigate to the app directly will see a message like below:


After apps are published:

By default all countries are selected. You can update Geo-Blocking for your apps at any time.

>App Store Connect >select My Apps >App Icon >App Store Tab (top of screen)
>click Pricing & Availability (left side). Below Availability, click Edit.
>Select Counties/Regions. Click Done, then Save.

>Google Developer >click App Name.
>click Store Presence (to expand options), then Pricing and Distribution.
>click Manage Counties. Select/remove Counties, then Submit Update.

Amazon & Roku:
>Email ott@uscreen.tv and request to have Geo-Blocking enabled.
>List the countries/regions where you DO want your app to be available.

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