Your members can now earn badges by completing calendar watch streaks of 3, 5, 7, or however many days you define. Badges motivates your audience to keep watching your content. Badges is a calendar streaks feature that helps engagement and retention by encouraging daily usage. Badges are a great way to combine 1) engagement across watching videos in your catalog, 2) showcasing the badges on the community profiles, and maintaining streaks on the calendar. Think of badges as combining these 3 C's 🙂
Currently an early release beta feature
Contact Uscreen for access
Requires Uscreen Plus plan
Requires mobile apps version 3.21+ available Jan 2025
Not available on TV Apps
Badges are specific to calendar streaks only today
Uscreen is expanding badges, beyond calendar streaks, in the future
Badges Early Release Beta
This means it is an early release feature. You may contact Uscreen to optionally enable it. Right now, there are limited capabilities. Some capabilities may change. Uscreen plans to improve it further. But we also want to give you early access, as soon as possible, since we know you will benefit.
Beta also means we want your feedback! So please share your related feedback in a feature suggestion or with your friendly Customer Success Manager.
Enable Badges
Contact Uscreen for early access, since this is a new beta feature
Then... navigate to Content > Calendar
You must already have calendar
Enable or disable "Streaks & Badges"
These features are all tied together. They can not be separated.
Default Badges
Uscreen provides you default badges, images, and titles
This helps you get started quickly with badges
Feel free to edit these default badges
Edit a Badge
Navigate to the Calendar Streaks & Badges tab
Select the 3 dots
Change title, awarded after, or image as needed
Add a Badge
You can add your own badge
You can only add badges for calendar streak days right now. Uscreen is expanding badges, beyond calendar streaks, in the future.
Navigate to the Calendar Streaks & Badges tab
Add badge
Enter a title. 50 character limit
Enter awareded after. This is number of days of streak to earn badge
Upload a badge image. 360x360 is best. Use a transparent background so it looks great on web and mobile. Pick good colors that match with your brand and light/dark background.
Where Members See Badges
On there own profiles
In the community on other member profiles
Have Feedback?
Submit a suggestion!
We want to hear you feedback on this new feature.