Uscreen is deprecating Uscreen APIv1 on Sept 30, 2025.
Please upgrade to Uscreen APIv2 so your systems keep working.
No change to Publisher APIv1.02.
APIv1 Deprecation Sept 30, 2025
Like all software, Uscreen is evolving and improving. We are deprecating the Uscreen APIv1 on September 30, 2025. You have 6 months to adjust your systems. Please upgrade to Uscreen APIv2 for the latest functionality.
Changes like this are infrequent, but do happen. This is the nature of constantly improving software. Please remember that you are responsible for outside API integrations. Uscreen will provide you ample time to address these changes.
Effected Customers
We are notifying effected customers, who we detect use the old Uscreen APIv1. This effects less than 3% of current Uscreen customers. Specifically those using 3rd party systems or who have not updated their apps in years. All others Uscreen customers are good, and require no action.
Did Uscreen notify you to upgrade to APIv2
Follow the below steps if Uscreen notified you about upgrading to APIv2. The steps are different depending on your situation.
Using Third Party Apps 🧧
You are using a third party app. Likely VidApp or a custom solution. You need to notify your 3rd party to upgrade to APIv2. Or you need to move to a new system that supports APIv2. Systems using the old Uscreen APIv2 will stop working on Sept 20, 2025.
Outdated Apps 🚸
Your Uscreen apps are outdated and on very old versions. The Uscreen App Team is aware and updating your apps. Uscreen may contact you if needed for app developer account information or required assets. So please work with Uscreen to ensure we update you apps the latest
Members Using Old Apps ❄️
Your Uscreen apps are updated and good!... but your members are using older versions. They likely didn't download app updates from stores (either older devices, or they just don't update anything). Please remind your audience members to update their apps to the latest. After the Sept 30, 2025 deadline, those member's apps will stop working, and they may contact you for support. The solution is to update their apps on their devices.
Contact Uscreen support and we can help!