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Video Comments Overview

Learn about using and managing video comments

Updated over a week ago

Video comments are a great way to get your community involved with your content. When enabling comments, you can alter its settings to fit your business needs and restrict who can write and read them. You can also moderate comments right from the comment list and reply to them without leaving the commenting area.

Enabling Video Comments

To allow comments, navigate to People, go to Comments, then click Activate Comments.

Once activated and users begin to comment and reply, you will be able to view them in the admin area in this Comments tab as shown below:

Video Comment Settings

Once commenting has been enabled, you can return to the Comments tab, under the People tab, to change the comments reading and writing rules.

Then make changes as you wish and click save:

1 Video Comment Access Levels - This setting controls who can view and post comments. There are two sub-settings in this regard:

a)-Access to view video comments - Reading Rule Options are:

  • Anyone: every user who accesses the site can read the comments

  • All logged-in users: only users who are signed in can read comments

  • Logged-in users with access: only logged-in users that have access to the specific content through purchases or a subscription can read the comments

b)-Access to post video comments - Writing Rule Options are:

  • All logged-in users: only users who are signed in can write comments

  • Logged-in users with access: only logged-in users who have access to the specific content through purchases or a subscription can read the comments

2 Availability - This setting controls whether you wish to enable the video comment feature. Options are Enable Video Comments or Disable Video Comments.

Once saved, the changes will apply to all future comments.

Moderating Video Comments

Accessing and Moderating Comments

To manage comments on your videos, navigate to the "Comments" tab, found under the "People" tab. This is where you'll handle all comment moderation tasks.

You can read, reply, and interact with comments on the video comment dashboard. To view a comment in its original context on the watch page, simply click the video title or thumbnail next to the comment.

This dashboard mirrors the comment features on the video watch page, including:

  • Liking comments

  • Using "@mentions" to tag members

  • Attaching images or linking to catalog videos

  • Editing or deleting comments

Sorting and filtering Comments

By default, the video comment threads are sorted by the latest activity - the time when the last comment in the thread was created. You can adjust the settings to see the comments and replies, or comments only especially useful if replies are not your focus.

Use the "Without Admin Response" filter to hide threads where there was a reply from an admin. This helps in focusing on new engagements.

Disabling Video Comments

Navigate to People, go to Comments, and click Settings.

Then in the Availability setting proceed to select Disable Video Comments and click Save

After doing so, the comments will be hidden from your viewers.

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