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Monthly Sales Report

Understand your monthly sales (revenue)

Updated over a week ago

On the Sales tab, you will see an option to view your Monthly Sales Report.

This report can be viewed in a graph or downloaded as a CSV file. The report provides details on the amount of revenue from sales for the month.

You can hover over a data point to see the total number of sales (transactions) your site had per day in that month.

Below this graph is a table of your monthly sales data. You can filter by Year, Month, Source, or Type. The Source filter will be dependent on what payment providers you have connected to and whether or not you have in-app purchases set up for your OTT apps.

The Types filter provides an option for All (all transactions), Recurring, or Transactional (one-time purchases: e.g. rentals, bundle purchases, etc.).

The monthly sales data will be divided into 7 columns to give you a complete breakdown of your sales.

The Date column will be for each day of the month.

The Sales column is for all transactions on your site, whether or not money was actually exchanged. This means this number includes trial-based transactions, gift card redemption-based transactions, and coupon code-based transactions.

The Refunded column shows the total amount of refunds issued by your site via the web UI on an invoice using the Refund functionality. This will not take into account any refunds you may have processed externally outside of the Uscreen admin area.

The Discounted column provides a total for all discounts that have been applied, which pertain to coupon code discounts.

The Net Sales column calculates your sales amount after refunds and discounts. This does not take into account any commissions taken by app stores.

The Taxes column would previously display the VAT Taxes collected for each day. From now on, the reported value will be zero because we have simplified the checkout process; VAT will no longer be shown as an added value at checkout. However, we will keep the Taxes column, for now, to allow you to have access to the data from previous months.

If you would like to implement VAT or other tax rates for your content, we encourage you to increase your prices to account for the average tax rate of each plan/bundle. If you would like to see other tax options built into the Uscreen platform, please let our Product Team know.

The Total Sales column and the Net Sales column will have the same values for each day. The payment provider fees are not taken into account in the total sales.

You can export the data at the top of your report table for your convenience by clicking Download CSV. You can download the report according to the filters you set, so you can have the specific information you want.

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