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Meta Facebook Pixel Integration

Learn about using 3rd Party Tracking Pixels on your Uscreen site!

Updated over 4 months ago

The Meta/Facebook Pixel will collect data to help you keep track of marketing events that fire up when users make purchases, visit your page, go through the checkout process, etc. It allows you to track six events via a marketing pixel.

To install a Facebook Pixel to your Uscreen account, please follow the steps below:

Create a Pixel

If you don't have a pixel already, you will need to first create it. by navigating to Events Manager on your Facebook Business account. On the left sidebar, hover over the green + button and click Connect Data Sources, then select Web. Click on Connect, then select Facebook Pixel, and click Connect. Lastly, click Continue, add your Pixel Name, and click Continue.

Install the Pixel Code

After you have created the pixel, a popup window will appear for you to choose how to install your pixel. Under the Manually add pixel code to website option, click on Instal code manually.

In the first step, you will be asked to copy the base code. Since you won't need the whole code to connect to Uscreen, you click on the Copy Code button, and then paste that code on your notes or Microsoft Word, just so you can see the whole code.

Once you pasted your code, find your pixel code number on the 11th line:

fbq('init', 'PIXEL CODE NUMBER');

Make sure to only copy the code that is inside the apostrophes ' ' and do not include the apostrophes ' ' with the code.

After copying the pixel code, go to your Uscreen account, navigate to the Settings tab, click on Integrations, find Facebook, and click Connect. Then paste your code into the field click Connect.

That's all you need to do on the Uscreen side! You don't need to add the code anywhere else.

Technical Specifications for Uscreen's Facebook Pixel Integration

There are five events that you need to add to the "Review Events" section on Facebook. The event names and definitions are below:

  • ViewContent: viewing of a program

  • Purchase: successful purchase

  • AddPaymentInfo: adding information about a credit card or PayPal account

  • Lead: user sign-up and moving to the third step of the checkout form

  • InitiateCheckout: moving to the second step of the checkout form

Example payload of what will be pushed to the Facebook Pixel:

fbq("track", "Purchase", { content_name: "Monthly Subscription", value: 12.0, currency: "USD" })

*value is the amount after any discount

Please note that the checkout workflow is dynamic. As a result, you will only see certain events in Facebook Pixel Helper (the Google Chrome extension) during certain portions of the checkout process.

For example, the 'Customer Information' view may show 'PageView' and 'IntiateCheckout' events. The 'Complete Order' view may show 'PageView' and 'Lead' events. The confirmation view (which only appears for 5 seconds after the Complete Order step is Completed) may show the 'PageView' and 'Purchase' events.

Verifying your domain

Make sure you've verified your domain. If you're using a Uscreen domain you'll need to place a <meta> tag in the Head Code Snippet under Customization>>Advanced>>Snippets.

Test the Pixel

To test it, add the Facebook Pixel Helper plugin to your Google Chrome browser. Go to the Chrome web store, search for Facebook Pixel Helper, click on the plugin offered by Facebook, and select Add to Chrome.

You can find the extension by clicking on the puzzle piece icon located on the right of the navigation bar. Click on the pin icon to make it easier to find.

Go to your site's storefront and click on the Facebook Pixel Helper extension.

Return to the Events Manager page, and on the left sidebar, select Data Sources. Make sure your pixel is selected to have access to all of your pixel's details.

Please be patient as it may take some time for data to appear in the events manager.

Additionally, please note that our support team is not equipped to assist with troubleshooting Facebook Events Manager. For any inquiries regarding Facebook and pixels, we suggest seeking assistance from Facebook support or a marketing professional.

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