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Analytics 2.0 Beta

Learn more about our Analytics 2.0 beta

Updated yesterday

We’ve completely revamped our Analytics to offer more consistent and reliable insights into your business’s financials, subscribers, and video content. With Analytics 2.0, you’ll gain access to advanced filters, clickable data points to delve deeper into underlying data, enhanced visualizations, and more detailed content analytics.

Note: Analytics 2.0 is currently in beta. You can opt-in to the beta by visiting the Beta features page. As with any beta, you may experience issues and incorrect or missing data.

We encourage you to share your feedback as you explore your new data view. If you would like to share your feedback, please visit this link to your Admin Area. In the Experimental Beta page, find “Analytics 2.0” and select the “Feedback” button.

Check out this tutorial video to learn how to access the new Analytics and begin exploring your data.

How to Access Your Data

In your Uscreen Admin Area, click " Analytics " in the side menu.

Now that you’re in your Analytics dashboard, you will see the options to explore Financial, Subscriber, and Content Analytics.

If you would like to disable Analytics 2.0 and return to the previous Analytics dashboard, click the circle in the top right corner > Beta Features. Find Analytics 2.0 and click “disable.”

Financial Analytics

Within the Financial Analytics dashboard, you will now have the option to view the following reports (learn more about financial metrics):

  • Gross Sales - total revenue from all sales for a specific period of time, before any deductions, such as fees, coupons, or discounts, from Subscriptions, One-time sales, and Donations from Live Events.

  • Paid Customers - total number of end-users paying for content on your platform (i.e., one-time purchases, bundles, subscriptions).

  • Invoices Summary - total number of paid and refunded invoices for a specific period of time.

  • Sales Report - an overview of all sales within a specific time frame.

  • Coupon Report - an overview of coupon usage.

  • Net Sales - total revenue after discounts and coupons over time.

  • Earnings - revenue earned, after commissions and refunded fees, over time.

  • Total Net Sales by Customer - understand how much money you are earning with each of your customers.

Analytics 2.0 allows you to filter the reports above by payment date, time frame, offer type, offer title, and subscription duration.

  • Payment Date - see data for a specific date or time interval.

  • Time Frame - see data within a specific measure of time (date, week, month, quarter, year)

  • Offer Type - see data for a specific offer type.

  • Offer Title - see data for a specific offer.

  • Billing interval - see data for a specific subscription billing interval.

Subscriber Analytics

This dashboard is where you can track your subscriber trends and gain a deeper understanding of your audience.

Within the Subscriber Analytics dashboard, you will now have the option to view the following categories of reports:

  • Overview

  • Acquisition & Retention

  • Churn

  • Trials

Note: all values displayed in the reports are a comparison of the current period to the same period in the previous time frame. For example, if the time frame is filtered by “month” and the current date is August 14th, the current period will display data from August 1-14, which will be compared to July 1-14.


In the Overview category, you will see the following reports:

  • Active Subscribers: the number of current active subscribers. This should be close to what's shown on the People page.

  • Starting Active & Growth Rate: total subscribers active on the first day of each specified period and how much your subscriber base grew from one time period to the next.

    Your growth rate is calculated by:

growth rate = starting active in the referenced period - starting active in the previous period over starting active in the previous period times 100
  • New, Reactivated & Churn: the number of new, reactivated, and churned subscribers you had over a specified time frame.

    • New: subscribers that subscribed for the first time in the period.

    • Reactivated: subscribers that subscribed again after having churned.

    • Churn: subscribers that stopped being a subscriber.

  • Migrated Subscribers: the number of subscribers that were migrated from other platforms over time.

  • Paused Subscribers: the number of subscribers who have paused subscriptions (available on the web and Android, when the feature is enabled). More details here.

  • Youtube Lead Generator: shows the top 10 channels that leads created via YouTube Lead Generator campaigns subscribe to.

Acquisition & Retention

In the Acquisition & Retention category, you will see the following reports:

  • New Subscribers: the amount of new subscribers by billing interval. Get insights on how acquisition campaigns impacted your acquisition numbers.

  • Reactivated Subscribers: the number of reactivated subscribers by billing interval. Understand if reactivation strategies were effective.

    • Note: "Other" includes "Quarterly" and "Semi-Annual" billing intervals.

  • Retention Cohort: each row of this chart represents a group of customers who started a subscription for the first time in the same month (cohort). The columns show the percentage of customers from each cohort who remained active, meaning subscribers had access to the subscription, in the subsequent months (months elapsed).

    • Use this chart to identify trends in customer retention, compare performance across different customer groups, and measure the impact of product changes or marketing campaigns.


In the Churn category, you will see the following reports:

  • Churned Subscribers: the number of subscribers that churned, which can happen due to them voluntarily canceling, out-of-date payment information, or subscription access being revoked by admin.

    • Note: "Other" includes "Quarterly" and "Semi-Annual" billing intervals.

  • Churn Rate: the percentage of the subscribers that were active but churned within the period.

    • This is calculated by dividing the number of churned subscribers by the number of subscribers that were active in the specified period.

  • Cancellation Reasons: the number of churned subscribers segmented by the reason replied on the cancellation survey.

    • Note: "No answer" means the subscriber did not answer the survey.


In the Trials category, you will see the following reports:

  • Trials by Status: the number of members on trial by status:

    • Ongoing: currently active trials;

    • Converted: trials that converted to paid subscriptions;

    • Expired: trials that ended without converting to a paid subscription;

    • Expired (on hold): trials that are awaiting payment.

  • Trial Conversion Rate: the percentage of all trials that converted.

    • Note: This is calculated by dividing the number of converted trials by the total number of trials (including ongoing).

Analytics 2.0 allows you to filter each of the reports above by time frame, date range, billing interval, and subscription plan.

  • Time Frame - see data within a specific measure of time (date, week, month, quarter, year)

  • Date Range - see data between two specific dates

  • Billing Interval - see data for a specific billing interval (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually)

  • Subscription Plan - see data for a specific subscription plan.

Contents Analytics

Within the Content Analytics dashboard, you will now have the option to view the following categories of reports (learn more about content metrics) :

  • Overview

  • Watch Time

  • Videos

  • Live Events

  • Authors

  • Viewers

  • Countries

  • Devices


In the Overview category, you will see the following reports:

  • Summary - total content viewers, views and watch time for a specified time frame. Comparison to the same previous period, i.e. when looking at the past 30 days, the comparison will be with the previous 30 days.

  • Top Videos - a list of the 5 best-performing videos based on view count.

  • Top Live Events - a list of the 5 best-performing live events based on view count.

  • Top Viewers - a list of viewers responsible for the most views.

  • Top Authors - a list of authors with the most views.

Watch Time

In the Watch Time category, you will see the following reports:

  • Watch Time (hours) - total watch time in hours during a specified time frame compared to the previous period.

  • Views - total number of content views in a specified time frame compared to the previous period.

  • Viewers - total number of content viewers in a specified time frame compared to the previous period.

  • Watch Time Over Time - total content watch time in hours segmented by type of content (Videos, Videos in collections, Live Events).

  • Views Over Time - total content views segmented by type of content (Videos, Videos in collections, Live Events).

  • Viewers Over Time - total number of viewers segmented by type of content (Videos, Videos in collections, Live Events).

  • Engagement Activities Over Time - total number of favorites, comments, likes, and playlist adds happening on content within a specified time frame.

  • Videos by Day of Week & Videos by Hour of Day - the most common days and times your content is being watched.

    • Note: these charts do not change with the time frame control, they always show the data by week.

Note: All values displayed in the top card reports are a comparison of the current period to the same period in the previous time frame. For example, if the time frame is set to week and the current day of the week is Wednesday, the current period will display data from the current week until Wednesday, which will be compared to the previous week from Monday to Wednesday.

You can filter each of the reports above by time frame, date range, content type, and content title.

  • Time Frame - see data within a specific measure of time (date, week, month, quarter)

  • Date Range - see data between two specific dates

  • Content Type - see data for a specific type of content (Video, Video in collection, Live Event)

  • Content Title - see data for a specific piece of content


In the Videos category, you can measure each video’s success based on:

  • Viewers

  • Views

  • Total and Average Watch Time

  • Completion Rate

  • Favorites, Likes, Comments and Playlist Adds

You can filter the Video report by date range, author, title, trailer, and if it's a live event replay.

  • Date Range - see data between two specific dates

  • Video Title - see data for a specific video.

  • Collection Title - see data for a specific collection.

  • Author - see data for videos by a specific author.

  • Is Trailer - filter video content for if it is/is not a trailer.

Live Events

In the Live Events category, you can measure each live stream’s success based on:

  • Launched date and time (when your live stream started)

  • Finished date and time (when your live stream concluded)

  • Preregistered

  • Attendees

  • Total and Average Watch Time

  • Average Completion Rate

  • Replays

You can filter the Live Event report by date range, author, and title.

  • Date Range - see data between two specific dates

  • Author - see data for live events by a specific author.

  • Live Event Title - see data for a specific live event.


In the Authors category, you can measure each video author’s success based on:

  • Views

  • Total and Average Watch Time

  • Completion Rate

  • Favorites, Likes, Comments and Playlist Adds

You can filter the Author report by date range and author.

  • Date Range - see data between two specific dates

  • Author - see data for video content by a specific author.


In the Viewers category, you will see content analytics by viewers and understand how they engage with your content.

You can filter each of the reports above by time frame, date range, content type, and content title.

  • Time Frame - see data within a specific measure of time (date, week, month, quarter)

  • Date Range - see data between two specific dates

  • Content Type - see data for a specific type of content (Video, Collection, Live Event)

  • Content Title - see data for a specific piece of content


In the Countries category, you will have a view count of where content is being watched (by geographic location).


In the Devices category, you’ll find a view count that indicates how content is being watched on different devices.

Additional Tools and Knowledge

Drill Down

Some reports have the option to “drill down,” meaning you can get a more detailed view of a report. For example, when you drill down into your To do this, click on a value within the report and choose “Drill.”

Time Frame Control

Now you can choose how detailed you want your data to be. Simply select the desired time frame at the top of your report, and the data will be aggregated to match your preference. This feature is available in all reports that show data over time.


You also have the option to download each report. To download any of these reports, click the three dots in the top right corner of the report and click “download.” The report will download directly to your device.

To download the Drill Down table, click “Drill” on the report you’d like to see a Drill Down view for. Once the new Drill Down window appears, click “Download” in the top right corner. The report will download directly to your device.

Data Refresh

Your analytics data won’t show data from today. It will only display data from completed days, so the data displayed in Analytics will be accurate through yesterday, not today.

Data Timezone

All data displayed in reports will be displayed in your local time zone. The timezone is determined by the timezone you have set in your account settings.

Chart Updates

As you add, remove, or modify filters, it may take a moment for the data on each chart to refresh. You’ll notice a loading animation indicating that the chart is still updating. Once the loading animation disappears, it means your data is now reflecting the filters you’ve set.

Metric Glossary

If you need help understanding the metrics included in each dashboard, please refer to the below glossary.


These are the metrics you will see across the new reports:

  • Gross sales: sum of the original price of all sales, before discounts, gift cards, and refunds.

  • Paid customers: number of users who have paid invoices, including refunded ones.

  • Paid invoices: number of invoices that were paid, excluding refunded ones.

  • Refunded invoices: number of invoices that were refunded.

  • Sales: number of invoices that were paid, including refunded ones.

  • Discount amount: the amount of discounts given.

  • Gift amount: the amount paid using gift cards.

  • Net sales: sum of the original price of all sales, after discounts, gift cards, and refunds (Gross sales - Discount Amount - Gift Amount).

  • Payment processing fees: fees charged by your payment provider.

  • Platform fees: fees charged per subscriber or as a % of a transaction by Uscreen. Fees from OTT subscriptions are not included.

  • Earnings: the amount earned after fees (Net sales - Payment processing fees - platform fees). Taxes are not considered.

  • Redemptions: the number of times a purchase was made using a coupon, including refunded ones


These are the metrics you will see across the reports within your Content dashboard:

  • Watch Time: duration the content was watched.

  • Views: number of sessions, of any duration, in the period.

  • Viewers: number of members who watched a piece of content in the period. "Unknown" users are not considered.

  • Completion Rate: percentage of how much of the video was watched. It's the watch time / content duration.

  • Preregistered: members who preregistered to attend a live event.

  • Attendees: number of members who attended the live event. "Unknown" users are not considered.

  • Replays: number of times the live event was watched on demand.

  • Favorites: number of times content was added to favorites.

  • Likes: number of likes, including likes on content and likes on comments.

  • Comments: number of comments, including comments on content and comments on comments.

  • Playlist Adds: number of times content was added to a playlist.

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