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People Overview

View user account information, people segments, activity, payments, content access, and more.

Updated over a week ago

The People page provides an overview of your users.

It allows you to monitor users' activity, check their watch history stats, impersonate their accounts, make account edits, look into their payment history, and give or remove access to paid content.

The People page also allows you to filter and view your end users by different segments and statuses.

List Page Overview

Under the People tab—located on the left sidebar—you'll see a list of all users that exist in your store. The list contains users who:

  • have created an account through the live site (including those that haven't yet purchased content)

  • have been invited to the store manually from the People panel on the backend

From the list page, you can search for end users by name or email in the Search bar, or filter for specific segments of end users using the Segment filter. You can also filter some segments further using the Status filter.

The People list page also allows you to Sort end users by their account creation date or lifetime amount spent with your platform.

More Filters will open the Date Sort filter and Lifetime Amount range filter.

Let's look at each of these filters more in-depth:


The Segments column tells you which segments your end users belong to.

There are 5 segments that your end users can belong to, some of which they can belong to at the same time.

Active members

The Active Members segment contains any paying member of a recurring subscription plan. Members are considered Active once they have made their first payment for a recurring subscription plan.

Churned members

The Churned Members segment contains former paying members of a recurring subscription plan. These are end users who have canceled their plans and are no longer making payments.

One-time buyers

The One-time buyer segment contains anyone who has made a one-time purchase for access to content (i.e., rental, collection, bundle, live event, or individual video).

One-time buyers can also be Active or Churned members if they are, or have in the past, paid for a subscription plan. If this is the case you will see both segments attributed to the end user in the segment column on the People page.

Note: The One-time buyer label is applied to users based on the type of content they have access to, not necessarily their purchase history. If a user has access to a piece of content considered a one-time purchase without actually paying for it, such as by claiming it with a 100% off coupon or having an admin manually assign it to their profile, they will still be included in this segment. This means that there can be instances where users are in the One-time buyer segment despite having a lifetime value of $0.


The Trialing segment contains anyone who is in a trial for a recurring subscription plan.


The Leads segment contains anyone who has created an account with your store but has not made a purchase and is not currently in trial for a recurring subscription plan.

Lead Sources: Leads can be generated via the YouTube Lead Generator feature in Marketing. We are working towards adding leads from all sources, including Abandoned Cart, but currently, these features do not support Leads. This means that if a user signs up on your site and does not make a purchase, currently they will not appear as a lead in your people page. If this feature is important to you, please submit a feature suggestion.

New Beta: Create Leads via Giveaway Funnel. Using the beta feature, you can now create leads using our improved giveaway funnel. You can learn more here.


Accounts created via Zapier, API, or created by assigned content by an Admin, but have no purchase history, will also be counted as Leads.


Statuses offer you a way to further filter your end users.

Today, Statuses only pertain to the Active members segment. This is because the state of an Active member can change throughout their lifetime as a paying member.

The Status of an Active member can be seen in the Status column of the People page.

Let's look at the statuses that an Active member can have:


New Active members are any new paying members of a recurring subscription plan. An Active member is considered New during the month of their first paid invoice.


Reactivated members include any formerly churned-paying member of any subscription plan who has returned as a paying member of any subscription plan.

An Active member is considered Reactivated for the month of their first paid invoice upon returning as a paying member.


Upgraded Active members are paying Active members of a subscription plan who have changed their plan to one that is longer in duration (i.e., Monthly → Annual).


Downgraded Active members are paying Active members of a subscription plan who have changed their plan to one that is shorter in duration (i.e., Annual → Monthly).

Pending Cancellation

Active members who are Pending Cancellation include any paying Active member of a subscription plan who has voluntarily chosen to cancel their subscription plan and will churn on the date of their next scheduled invoice.


Active members can pause their membership on web and Android. Members who pause will stay active until the end of their billing period and then they will changed to paused status for 1, 2, or 3 months. At the end of the pause period, they will update to active status again.

On Hold

Active members who are On Hold include any paying Active member of a subscription plan who has not successfully paid their most recent recurring subscription invoice due to issues with their payment information.


Using the Sort filter, you can sort end users by four parameters:

Created on (newest): See accounts by creation date, from newest to oldest.

Created on (oldest): See accounts by creation date, from oldest to newest.

Lifetime amount (highest first): See accounts by total money spent with your store, from most to least.

Lifetime amount (lowest first): See accounts by total money spent with your store, from least to most.

More Filters

The More Filters tab is where you can find Date Filtering and the Lifetime amount spent range.

Date Filter

The Date Filter filters by account creation date:

Lifetime amount

The Lifetime amount range allows you to enter a dollar amount range, from minimum to maximum amount spent:

Three-Dot Menu

In the updated version of the People page, we've kept functionality that allows you to edit, delete, impersonate, and see the watch history of your end users.

These options can be down in the three-dot menu on the right:

People Table CSV & Video Stats CSV

You can find a CSV report of all of your end users by clicking Export CSV > People table in the top right of the page:

You can also export the collective watch history for all of your end users with the Video stats csv.

Zapier & Webhooks

All Zapier integrations that rely on Subscription Statuses from the old People page will still be supported for the foreseeable future.

Zapier integrations that rely on the Subscription Statuses from the old People page should continue to work as expected. Currently, the only Zapier trigger that incorporates information from the new People page on Segment and Status is the User Updated trigger.

In the future, we will add Segment and Status information to other Zapier triggers where this is relevant, and we will provide an update on this as soon as we have a timeline for when this will be added.

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