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Badges for Calendar Streaks (beta)

📅 Motivate your members with streak-based badges! Badges encourage engagement by rewarding members for completing watch streaks.

Updated over a month ago

What Are Calendar Badges?

Calendar Badges reward your members for maintaining a watch streak of 3, 5, 7, or however many days you define. These badges:

  • Boost engagement by encouraging daily video watching.

  • Appear on member profiles in the community.

  • Help build habits and increase content retention.

🎯 Think of badges as combining these 3 C’s:

  • Consistency – Encourages daily viewing.

  • Community – Members showcase badges in their profiles.

  • Completion – Recognizes members for reaching streak goals.

Badges are part of the Calendar Streaks feature.

Notes on Badges


  • Currently an early-release beta feature

  • Contact Uscreen for access

  • Requires Uscreen Plus plan

  • Requires mobile apps version 3.21+ available Jan 2025

  • Not available on TV Apps

  • Badges are specific to calendar streaks only today

  • Uscreen is expanding badges, beyond calendar streaks, in the future

  • When you first enable badges, members with existing streaks, who extend, will earn prior badges.

Badges Early Release Beta

This means it is an early-release feature. You may contact Uscreen to optionally enable it. Right now, there are limited capabilities. Some capabilities may change. Uscreen plans to improve it further. But we also want to give you early access, as soon as possible, since we know you will benefit.

Beta also means we want your feedback! So please share your related feedback in a feature suggestion or with your friendly Customer Success Manager.

Enable Badges

  1. Contact Uscreen to get early access.

  2. Go to Content > Calendar.

  3. Enable “Streaks & Badges.”

  • The streaks feature and badges feature are connected and cannot be used without the other.

Default Badges

Uscreen provides you with default badges, images, and titles. This helps you get started quickly with badges. You can edit these default badges.

Edit a Badge

  1. Select the 3 dots

  2. Edit

  3. Change title, awarded after, or image as needed

Badge Status: Draft vs. Published

Badges have two statuses to help you set them up before members can earn them:

  • Published ✅ – Members can start earning this badge.

  • Draft ✏️ – Members cannot earn this badge yet, but those who already earned it will still see it.

📌 Why is this useful? You can plan and create badges before making them available to your members!

Add a New Badge

You can create custom badges for calendar streaks. (More badge types are coming in the future!)

Steps to Add a Badge:

  1. Go to Content → Calendar Streaks & Badges tab.

  2. Click Add Badge.

  3. Enter a title (max 50 characters)

  4. Set “Awarded After” – the number of streak days required to earn the badge.

  5. Upload an image (360x360px, transparent background recommended).

Where Members See Badges

🏆 On their profiles – Members can showcase earned badges.

👥 In the community – Other members can see earned badges.

Have Feedback?

  • Submit a suggestion!

  • We want to hear your feedback on this new feature.

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