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Upload a Video
Updated over 3 months ago

Now that you have opened an account, it's time to start uploading content to your channel. Please follow each step below to upload videos:

How to Upload a Video

Click on Content view

Click on Videos view

Click on Upload videos button

The Upload Videos popup opens. Select your video file from your device.

When the upload completes it will display a message in green. You may upload more or close.

When you close the upload popup, refresh the Videos view page and observe the uploaded video(s) at the top of the list

For detailed information on video file formats, please see this article.

NOTE: The Uscreen player expects 16:9 videos in landscape mode. While it's possible, we don't recommend uploading videos with other aspect ratios. The player will not fit the non-standard aspect ratio. Instead, the player will display black bars to fill the space and scale the video to conform to its height.

The player will rotate to landscape mode and display black bars even if the video has portrait proportions on mobile devices.

When you have TV apps, Apple, Google, Amazon, and Roku demand that you only upload videos in landscape mode. They might reject your app.

Additionally, the thumbnails that are automatically generated will be very stretched, as the transcoding process expects a landscape video.

NOTE: Uploading a Player Image is no longer a functionality in the video editor. Your Catalog thumbnail Image is the same image that will be used for the player image.

Transcoding Videos

Transcoding is a necessary process for properly formatting and optimizing videos for streaming or playback. It basically involves the conversion of the video to a compatible format. Videos very rarely get stuck transcoding. More often they just take longer than you're anticipating. Factors like file size, bit rate, and more determine the amount of time it takes to transcode a video.

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