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Video Pricing and Access
Updated over a week ago

You can decide how to make each video available to your audience. Whether it is free for all users or gated and requires payment.

Gated Access

By default, all uploaded videos will be set to Gated, which means that users will need to log in to view the video.

If a video is set as Gated access, you have three options to require payment:

1. Subscription plan

This is how you can assign content to one or more subscriptions to grant paid access. Read over this article for in-depth help on subscriptions.

2. One-time purchase price

This will allow a customer to make a one-time purchase without being a subscriber.

3. Rental Price

You'll want to set not only the price but also the duration when users rent your content.

Please note that, by default, your videos will not automatically determine which subscription plans have access to your content. For each video you upload, it will be necessary for you to manually select the subscription plans that should have access to the content, particularly if it is intended to be limited to specific subscription plans.

Free for all users

If you decide to make the video free, you can switch the Video Access to Free for all users. Customers will then be able to watch the video on your storefront without logging in or providing payment information.

If you want to provide a video for free and want users to sign up to access it, we recommend changing your pricing from Free For All Users to Gated. This will help you know who is watching your content and obtain their contact information.

Making videos downloadable

You have the ability to allow your viewers to download your videos. You can turn this on under Advanced Access Options. This option can be used if you want to allow your viewers to watch content offline. However, they are downloading a direct mp4 file of the video which will remain forever available to them.

Please note that we highly advise against allowing the download of videos for memberships as it can increase your churn rate, resulting in less revenue for you.

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