If you are interested in selling physical or other digital goods, like e-books, we recommend using an external eCommerce solution to manage, accept payments, handle shipping for physical goods. There are a number of potential eCommerce solutions, like Shopify. Once you have your store ready, link it with your Uscreen site in the top navigation menu.
With our new feature, you can now sell products directly on the video player. You can add the product's URL (from Shopify or any other site/marketplace) with a Call to Action to the video with our eCommerce tool so users can purchase a product from your brand. We'll then display that on top of your video for a few seconds to encourage your users to make the purchase.
Alternatively, if selling videos is just a secondary part of your business, it may make more sense to host your website elsewhere with eCommerce options for physical goods and then link that site to your Uscreen site so users can purchase access to your videos.