If you implement a script to request consent or block third-party cookies, you may want to include the following cookies on your list of essential cookies, which are required to deliver your service:
NOTE: Each of the cookies listed here is required for the basic operation of the platform. They are served from our backend server and cannot be disabled.
user_utm_source, user_utm_medium, user_utm_term, user_utm_content and user_utm_campaign
Description: Please refer to the UTM parameters as documented in this help guide.
Provider: Uscreen
Expiration: Expires at logout (end of the session) but the data is retained until the user’s account is deleted.
user_referrer and referer
Description: Both refer to the same item. It tracks the website where the customer comes from
Provider: Uscreen
Expiration: Expires at logout (end of the session) but the data is retained until the user’s account is deleted.
Description: If you use an affiliate integration tool (Rewardful or Refersion), it will tell which affiliate should be connected to the web session/sale.
Provider: Uscreen
Expiration: Expires at logout (end of the session) but the data is retained until the user’s account is deleted. This data is also shared with the affiliate provider
Description: Code of the country from the end-user, used for VAT purposes
Provider: Uscreen
Expiration: Expires at logout (end of the session) but the data is retained until the user’s account is deleted.
Description: Collects the IP address of the end-user
Provider: Uscreen
Expiration: Expires at logout (end of the session) but the data is retained until the user’s account is deleted.
Description: Data about the device and web browser versions used by the end-user
Provider: Uscreen
Expiration: Expires at logout (end of the session)
Description: Timestamp for the beginning of the cookies web session
Provider: Uscreen
Expiration: Expires at logout (end of the session)
Description: The cookies web session is initialized, and required to load the other essential cookies
Provider: Uscreen
Expiration: Expires at logout (end of the session)
Description: This cookie is a token of the login session, used to manage the user’s session when moving between pages.
Provider: Uscreen
Expiration: Expires at logout (end of the session)
Description: This cookie is a token of the login session, used to remember the log in the next time that the user opens the web application.
Provider: Uscreen
Expiration: 2 weeks
Description: Pixel tracking implementation for internal analytics purposes, such as checkout events.
Provider: Uscreen
Expiration: Expires at logout (end of the session)
Description: Randomly generated string to identify a device. It will persist unless a user clears their browser cookies and/ or is browsing in private mode.
Provider: 3rd-Party, Amplitude
Expiration: 1 year
Description: This cookie is utilized alongside the video player to obtain QOE (Quality of Experience) metrics. They do not contain any (PII) Personally Identifiable Information.
Provider: 3rd-Party, Mux Data
Expiration: 1 year
Description: The hash is created dynamically. This cookie is utilized to keep track of the user's watching progress in a temporary storage to prevent data loss in case of internet disconnection or across multiple browsing sessions.
Provider: Uscreen
Expiration: Expires at logout (end of the session)