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Create an Email Campaign and Send Newsletters with Drip
Create an Email Campaign and Send Newsletters with Drip

Use our integration with Drip to send mass email campaigns or newsletters to your audience

Updated over a week ago

After you connect your Drip account with Uscreen, you can segment your audience and create email campaigns.

Navigate to Campaigns, and choose the type of email you want to send. The options are Single Email and Email Series or create your Email Templates.

NOTE: For this example, we are using the Single Email option.

Click on the + New Single Email Campaign button.

Here you can change the name of the email campaign, select your audience and design your email.

After you change the name of your email campaign, click on Sending to. If you already have a saved segment, you can use the Choose a saved segment option. You can also create a one-time-use segment. For this example, we will use the latter.

Our current integration with Drip supports segmenting audiences by the subscription status (in the form of custom fields) and purchased products (in the form of tags).

To segment your audience by the subscription status, please select Custom Fields and the subscription field. Then you can type the value.

The available options are:

  • active

  • former

  • in_trial

  • never

  • on_hold

  • pending_cancellation.

To segment your audience by the product they purchased, you can select Tags instead of Custom Fields. Then select the purchased product from the list.

After segmenting your audience, you can edit the Email design.

Here you can change images, headlines, text, call-to-action buttons, etc. When you are ready, click on Done Editing.

Optionally, you can preview your email campaign on different viewports, such as Desktop, Tablet, Phone.

Optionally, you can send split test variations (also known as A/B tests). When you are ready to move forward, click on Send/Schedule.

Choose to Send immediately or Schedule for later depending on your needs. Additionally, you can choose to resend the email a second time to people who did not open it.

Finally, click on the Send immediately button below.

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