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Gross Revenue
Updated over a week ago

What is Gross Revenue?

The Gross Revenue Chart shows the total revenue earned before any deductions, such as fees, coupons, or discounts, from Subscriptions, One-time sales, and Donations from Live Events.

If your store has not generated revenue from one of the sources mentioned above, you will not see it displayed on your Gross Revenue graph.

Product Types

You can filter the Gross Revenue graph by Product Type to get a more detailed view of the sources of revenue generation for your store.

Simply click the Product Type dropdown menu and select the product type you are interested in learning more about:

  • Subscriptions

  • One-time sales

  • Donations

Gross Revenue from Subscriptions

Selecting Subscriptions in the Product Type menu will show you a stacked bar graph of your top subscription offering by revenue generated.

If your store has more than 6 subscription offerings that have generated revenue, all offerings outside of the top 6 will be grouped into the Other category.

If your store offered a subscription that generated revenue in the past, but this subscription has since been deleted, you will see this represented by the placeholder name "Subscription Deleted "in the table.

Gross Revenue from One-time Sales

Selecting One-time sales in the Product Type menu will show you a stacked bar graph of your top product offerings available for one-time purchase or rental, by revenue generated.

If your store has more than 6 one-time sale offerings that have generated revenue, all offerings outside of the top 6 will be grouped into the Other category.

If your store offered a product for a one-time purchase that generated revenue in the past, but this product has since been deleted, you will see this represented by the placeholder name "One-time sales Deleted "in the table.

Important Note: The Gross Revenue Chart shows the total revenue earned before any deductions, such as fees, coupons, or discounts.

Gross Revenue from Donations

Selecting Donations in the Product Type menu will show you a stacked bar graph of your top live events, by revenue generated from donations during that live event.

If your store has more than 6 live events that have generated revenue via donations, all live events outside of the top 6 will be grouped into the Other category.

Filtering by Payment Origin

You can filter the Gross Revenue graph by payment origin to see which payment sources contribute the most revenue to your store.

This can be done by using the Origin filter and selecting the payment origin you are interested in. Payment origin sources populate based on their history of generating revenue for your store. If a payment origin has never been associated with your store, you will not see it in the dropdown.

You can see revenue generated from all of the following origin sources, assuming they are associated with your store:

  • Stripe

  • Apple

  • Android

  • Amazon

  • Roku

  • Paypal

  • Uscreen Payment Gateway

The Product Type and Origin filter can be combined to show revenue generated from specific payment platforms for specific product types.

Date Filtering

By default, the graph shows a rolling Last 12 Months of gross revenue data.

To see previous years' data, you can click the Date dropdown and select the year you are interested in.

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