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Search and Filter Customers
Updated over a week ago

You can search for specific customers by name or email. To look for larger segments of customers, you can use the subscription status filter to narrow down the list of customers based on their status.

Tip: To achieve better results in your search, use smaller or more specific search terms. For example, if you need to find a specific customer, search for their email or their first/last name.

Never - Users who have signed up but have never had subscription access. This also includes users who have made one-time purchases or paid for rentals.

In Trial - Users who signed up for a subscription and are currently using the subscription's trial period.

Active - Users with active subscriptions who are not in the trial period.

Pending Cancellation - Users who have canceled their subscription but still have access until the end of their billing period.

On hold - Users who have subscribed but don't have access because of an unpaid invoice.

Former - Users who have canceled and no longer have access to content.

If you would like to see users who have only made one-time purchases or rentals, set the Subscription Status to Never and those users with a Lifetime value > $0.00 have purchased content.

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