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Try Again for Free Stats

View how many users are returning from your free trials

Updated over a week ago

The Try again for free tool allows you to offer another free trial to a user that has canceled their membership to encourage them to resubscribe and recapture that user's interest.

If you have enabled the Try again for free marketing tool, you can see how those free trials are performing by checking the Stats of each plan. The Stats allow you to see how many people have accepted or rejected the new free trial and how many resubscribed.

To view the Stats, navigate to Marketing, select Try again for free, then click on the Stats button for the automation you want to check.

Once you are on the Stats page, you will see a graph displaying each months' results. Below it, you will have a breakout of each month. The data collected is divided into three metrics:

  • Offers sent: New offer automation was sent to a user who canceled.

  • Accepted: The user initiated the free trial for the plan you offered.

  • Resubscribed: The user has accepted the offer and paid on the next billing date.

Below the graph, you will see to whom the automation was sent and their response to the offer. If the user received the offer but never accepted it, they will have the Not Accepted status. If the user went through the free trial, they will have the Accepted status. And when the user pays on the next billing date after going through the trial, their status will be Resubscribed.

When the offer email is triggered, users will receive the email you drafted for your automation(s) with a prompt informing them that they are signing up once again with a free trial. It also lets them know that after the trial, they will be charged for the plan they signed up for if they don't cancel before the billing date. They will have the option to accept and refuse the offer. If they refuse it, another prompt will appear to let them know that they can come back and click on the link to give it a try.

NOTE: Users will receive the offer 30 days after having canceled the plan. Another email will be sent 7 days later to remind them to accept the offer. If they don't start the trial within 3 days after the last email, the offer will be unavailable. They can refuse the trial, come back to it, and accept it, but after getting the reminder a second time, they will only have 3 days to accept it.

If you are looking for a particular user, you can always look them up in the search bar by their email or name.

If you would like, you can export the email list as a CSV file so you can keep the data. Simply click Export CSV and save it to your files.

Once you have downloaded the file, you will have your users' email, name, status, and the date the automation was sent to them.

NOTE: The graph's data will be provided on a rolling 12-month period. It will start from the month the feature was released along with the previous 11 months.

The information provided in the graph cannot be downloaded as a report, only the users' details section with the respective status; however, you can create a feature request if this is something you would be interested in.

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