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Mobile and TV Apps
Mobile and TV App Automatic Updates
Mobile and TV App Automatic Updates
Updated over a week ago

All software requires updates! Things like maintenance, bug fixes, performance improvements, new features, security enhancements, optimized interfaces, etc. Software is always changing and improving, just like your business. Uscreen Mobile and TV apps are no different.

Uscreen provides regular app updates throughout the duration of your agreement. We want to keep your apps on the latest and greatest apps software versions. We handle all the technical details, so you can focus on your content and business.

How often does Uscreen update apps?

  • πŸ“± Mobile apps typically every 1-2 months

  • πŸ“Ί TV apps typically every 2-3 months

Why automatic updates?

Automatic updates ensures that you, and your end-users, have the latest and greatest apps, without having to spend time contacting Uscreen, or worrying about your software versions. Uscreen automatically updates your apps as we have new releases. We handle app store submission and publishing.

There is no preview period if you enable automatic updates. We eliminate the preview step to save time. We publish your updated apps to the app stores. And your end-users get these updates automatically, if they allow the respective apps stores to automatically update their devices, which most do!

What apps have automatic updates?

We are slowing rolling out automatic updates, as every platform, and app store, is a little different. Here is where automatic updates are available:

  • πŸ“± Android Mobile: available now βœ…

  • πŸ“± iOS Mobile: available now βœ…

  • πŸ“Ί All TV Apps: planned in later 2024

Please note that automatic updates for iOS apps require a business account. Please convert your developer account to received iOS automatic updates.

Enable automatic updates

The choice to enable automatic updates is up to you. You are in control.

  • Enable if you always want the latest and greatest (recommended)

  • Opt-out if you with to manually request an app update and coordinate with Uscreen, typically during your regular check-ins with your Client Success Manager. Opt-out if you wish to coordinate your own marketing announcements around large improvements. You may also wish to preview new features that are part of updates, before publishing to your end users.

You should request an app update if you need to make changes to your app images assets, subscriptions, or your app store developer accounts.

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